Well, Jacob's party was a lot of fun once Jacob decided to stop crying. He spent the day with his BFF Brighton. They went to Cherry Hill to play miniature golf. They left at 8:30 am and did not return until 6:15 pm. He was exhausted to say the least. He was so tired he cried and was quite ornery. Once he opened his first present (Mario Kart), he was in blissful seventh heaven. He got a T-Ball set, a Razor scooter, a Transformer, cash, and a Wal-Mart card so he can go buy his own toys. How much fun! The crowning event of the party was the presentation of the homemade cake. It only took Jenny 3 hours to decorate! But the smile on his face was worth all the blood, sweat, and tears of cake decorating! There are so many people who love Jacob. We just want to thank all of you for loving our little 4-year-old bundle of energy. Here are some pics of the evening.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Jacob's 4th B-Day Party
Posted by Asay Family at 1:24 PM 2 comments
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Paco is 4! Happy Birthday Bud
Our little man is 4 today! It's hard to believe that Jake is really 4. When he was born, he weighed in at 4 lbs. 4 oz. and was teeny. Jenny had a rough pregnancy with Jake and she needed him born before he was finished cooking. He was in the NICU for a week, and then we brought him home! He looked like a little man right from the start, and it truly was love at first sight. So many people love Jakey and for good reason. He is a bright spot to our day. He can even be a bright spot to our nights (go to bed little man, it's almost tomorrow)!
Jake loved Grandpa Kreutzer and Grandpa Kreutzer loved LOVED Jake. Here's Jake on his blessing day with Gramps. We miss Grandpa so much.
Who could resist the obligatory naked baby shot? Cute!
Angel. What more could I say?
We love you Jacob, and hope you have the best birthday ever!
Posted by Asay Family at 10:14 AM 1 comments
Friday, July 25, 2008
Five Is Gone
Jacob's 4th birthday is tomorrow. Hence we have been "counting down" in our house. We started on Sunday when there were six days left until his b-day. Every morning since Sunday he lets us know how many days are gone vs. how many days until his birthday. Well this morning, he came out of his room and the first thing he said was "five is gone." Yes Jacob. Five are gone and only one is left until the big day. Can you tell were working on his numbers and simple math?
Yesterday during the day, we went to the Bountiful park for the festivities. Jake got to go on some fun rides while Mart and I sampled the yummy foods. We had hot dogs, corn on the cob, nachos, and cotton candy. Yummy!
Last night, we had our annual neighborhood Pioneer Day fireworks and treats down in our cul-de-sac. It was a lot of fun to watch all the kiddies play and get nice and tired for bed. Marty made breadsticks for our treats to share. They were a big hit. Good job, Mart.
Here are some pictures of the park festivities. They are mostly of Ben since Jacob was enjoying the rides.
Posted by Asay Family at 7:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
Chicklets Anyone?
I don't know if any of your children had HUGE teeth come in during the infant years, but our sweet Ben has been blessed with two top teeth the size of Chicklets. And yes, he was miserable while he was cutting them. Hence, we were ALL miserable. He must be self-conscious of them, because he will not willingly let us photograph them. Therefore, Aunt Kellie had to hold him down while I snapped some photos. Tell me what you think. WARNING: These pictures have been known to inflict terror into the hearts of other infants who are now afraid to cut their own teeth! HA HA HA.
Posted by Asay Family at 9:24 AM 2 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Zoom Zoom Zoom to Happy Lagoon!
Well, we have made the annual voyage down south to the whisky-tango version of Disneyland. Jake was so excited to go play with his cousins Jordan, Jacie, Bridger, and McKenzie. A very special "thank you and I owe you one" to Jodi and Nancy for bravely adding Jacob to their brood.
Marty, Ben, and I met up with the sun-kissed gang around 6:00pm. They had already been there since 11:00am. We had dinner and watched the little darlings ride and have fun. Another special "thank you" goes to Bridger for helping me push Ben's stroller. Knuckles, dude! We definitely need to go again next year (or maybe this year with KUTV viewer appreciation day). What do y'all think?
Thank you for being so wonderful. I have married into a most wonderful family. Thanks for being so great to me and my children.
Posted by Asay Family at 11:42 AM 1 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Mid Summer check in
Whenever I would hear people say time really flies, I don't think I fully understood the concept until this summer! Time is going so fast - summer is half over! Where did the time go?
Jodi and I ran another 5K last week (Farmington Festival Days) and it was fun. I saw some old friends and it was a lovely day for a run. We may do the Bountiful Handcart Days 5K this weekend - this little hobby is getting expensive what with all the entrance fees I have to pay.
After the race it was all about the parade. Jake loved it because the candy was coming faster than he could eat it and he got so sit by his favorite people in the world - Jordie and Jacie. Ben loved it because he got to sit in Grandpa Asay's lap the entire time. Again saw some old friends and planned to get with them before summer is over. Do you think it will happen? I hope so.
Sunday was a nice day - the weather is just perfect this summer - not too hot, but warm enough. I got with our neighbors at church and decided it was time to get our act together this summer. In years passed, we would all meet out in the cul-de-sac and bring out our Sunday goodies for everyone to share. We pulled off the first of the year Sunday, and it was nice to see everyone and let the kids work off the Sunday energy they build up from not being able to "play". Our situation is almost perfect here on the cul-de-sac.

Jodi called to see if we wanted to go boating Monday - Jenny was feeling lousy (bronchitis and sinus infection) so we said we would pass. Jake was crest-fallen, but then we called to see if he would be okay without us. He was, and as you can see, he is a thrill seeker. What a kid!
Posted by Asay Family at 1:06 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Independence Day
This was a great July 4th Holiday for the Asays. We filled the wading pool for the kiddies and prepared good food for everyone. Kathie and Colby were in town with their little guy Coleman and Jake had a blast showing Cole the ropes! To go with the good food and fun, Jenny is taking a cake decorating class and this is a shot of her handicraft! Watch your back Martha!
I got up early and ran in the Centerville 5K race with my sister Jodi. We don't run to win, but we held a pretty good pace. The Farmington Festival Days 5K is Saturday, and I am planning on running that too! It's good to run and get the blood pumping early in the morning.
After naps and BBQ we set up in the cul de sac for fireworks with the neighbors. It was fun watching the kids twirl their sparklers and cover their ears when Tom (next door neighbor) brought out the illegals! Tom always provides a good time for the kids. We really do have a great set up on the circle. Our neighbors are great and the kids all seem to get along for the most part.
Posted by Asay Family at 1:55 PM 1 comments