Wednesday, May 28, 2008

"That's So Utah!"

This entry is dedicated to my sister Kim. Everything is so Utah according to her. Jenny had to work all weekend (if you want to call it "work" seeing as Jenny watched six movies while earning time-and-a-half), so Marty took the kids to decorate graves while I slept at home. He got some CUTE pictures of the kiddies for all to enjoy.

Jake came out of Sunbeams with the funniest glasses on. His teacher, Sister Coleman, taught a lesson about eyes. Again, we got some hilarious pics of Jake with his glasses on. Notice his entire ensemble: Spiderman shirt, Power Ranger pj bottoms, Spiderman snow boots on the wrong feet.

Jenny got to finally enjoy the weekend when we went to Granny Annie's for breakfast Monday. We thought of Kim as we inhaled the fattening delights! Again we got some pictures of the goodies. Yes Kim, it was so UTAH and so GOOD! Ben fell asleep just watching us.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hot, Hotter, Hottest

We've had a heat wave recently. We're talking mid 90's. So Jake and I cleaned out his pool, filled it with water, and went for a swim. Well I didn't, but Jacob, Ben, Jordie, and Jacie did. They had a blast, even though the water was freezing. Needless to say, the kiddies slept wonderfully. Enjoy the pictures.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Night Shift

If you read the title, can't you just hear the Commodores singing "On The Night Shift." I can.

I'm just sitting at work with nothing to do for five minutes. I have been quite busy lately with many things, and I become overwhelmed when I think of all that I have to do/need to do.

I need to clean my house and do laundry. Those two things are never-ending. It seems that as soon as I finish them, I need to start all over.

I am constantly planning meals and making grocery lists. I am constantly going over my food storage lists. I need more wheat, beans, milk, dried eggs, dried fruits and veggies. I have around sixty boxes of cereal; when cereal is $.50 per box, it's hard to pass up that deal. Plus I think cold cereal has lots of vitamins and minerals for a family of four to survive. Yes, I do rotate the cereal. I have them arranged by expiration date.

Food storage has been paramount in my mind. I am constantly checking online for deals on wheat, rice, different beans, dehydrated foods, etc. I am even thinking of getting a dehydrator to dry my own fruit and veggies. I can store what I make in Mylar bags with oxygen absorbers. I can just hear Kim now: "That is so UTAH!" I know it is, but if something ever happened, I have two little boys to feed.

Kellie and I attended a class on how to use your beans in food storage. I have learned many interesting tidbits. I learned how to make beans less gassy. I learned how to replace solid fats (butter, etc.) in baking with beans. I got tons of recipes that use only food storage ingredients. I even learned how to make a pinto bean pie for one rootin' and tootin' Thanksgiving. I've also learned how to grind up dried beans to make a bean flour. You can use the flour for breads, cookies, etc. You can also make yummy refried beans by adding some seasoning to the pinto flour. Who knew? I learned how to sprout dried beans to plant for more crops.

Marty even went to the cannery to can some wheat, beans, sugar, potato pearls, and powdered milk for us. What a man! Every week grocery shopping, I try to buy two small bags of each of the following: white rice, brown rice, barley, beans, lentils, green peas. I also buy 2 gallons of water each week.

Who knew I would be so into food storage. I remember dad telling me while I was planning my wedding not to go overboard. "Use that money for food storage." Well, I didn't go overboard. But I wish I had started my food storage in earnest much sooner.

Hope you are all doing well. I hope you are enjoying the blog. It's pretty fun except for this boring entry I know. Thanks for letting me wax philosophical about food storage.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Rolling with the homies

We got a few hours of down time from Jake today - he went to eat school lunch with his girl cousins Jordie and Jacie. He loves those girls and they love him.

Ben continues to be the most contented baby you will ever meet. We have a found a happy medium!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Ready -- Set -- Bowl

We decided to take Jacob for his first real bowling experience last night. My hospital rented out a bowling center all last night. Jacob was thrilled. He thinks he is already professional given that he bowls on his Wii everyday.

Here are a few pictures to show how our evening went. Ben was just happy to sit with mommy and daddy while big brother got a triple Turkey (I don't even know what that means; Jake just kept saying he got a triple turkey; he must have learned it from the Wii).

I'm going to try and add more pictures if this think will let me. There is one of the boys on Easter Sunday. So cute.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Back at it

After initializing the blog, we didn't check back for a while. Today when a friend emailed saying she started a blog, we decided it was time to get back at it.

It's been a busy week. Jacob continues his fascination with all things Power Ranger (or nerf dart gun, or Wii, or paper airplanes). Ben grew his first tooth. Jenny bought a new Swiffer WetJet and loves it. Marty hates it - the solution smells weird to him.

This week we have had a focus on food storage. Jenny learned to substitute butter, shortening, etc. with canned white beans. She also learned how to grind dry beans and to substitute the bean grindings for half of bread flour when making bread. I love the smell of bread cooking, but this new concoction could create a few smells I wouldn't be so fond of!!!

Wow, I just realized it's May! Time really does fly when you're having fun. Here are some photos of the boys goofing around. They are growing up fast. Yes, we actually found Jake in the dryer. What a turkey!

More to come...