Monday, December 27, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Santa found us. And he thought the kids were good enough to receive fun games and toys. I beg to differ, but then again, I am the mom. 

We had a wonderful day with our little family. It was actually nice to not have to work during Christmas, and we didn't have to travel, and I didn't just have a baby. This is the first Christmas I haven't had one of the previous three conditions hovering around. I just loved staying home and laying low.

The kids had fun playing with their loot. Santa was smart this year; what he got for one, he got for the other. Or he made sure that both boys could play with a toy at the same time. Good on ya Santa. You get yummy cookies next year!


Young Love

Jacob is my little Casenova. He has his eye on a cutie in his class. Her name is Riley. He calls her every afternoon. I know; he's only six. But love conquers all, I guess. Cute story: Jacob was talking on the phone with Riley the other week. I was just cleaning, minding my own business (insert "eavesdropping"). I heard Jacob say, "Riley! I L-O-V-E  Y-O-U!" He even spelled out his heart-felt words. How cute is that? What makes it even cuter was watching him grin from ear-to-ear with his two front teeth missing. Oh the beauty of young love. 

Here are some cute pictures I got of Jacob looking at his kindergarten yearbook. He was just staring at Riley's picture and smiling. I love my little Casenova!

Ben and Courtney

I feel bad for Ben most days while Jacob is at school. Ben adores his brother. In fact, his question of choice which is repeated often during the day is "when Jakey get home?" Moms are just not a fun substitute for big brothers. Lately, Ben has taken to playing with Courtney from across the cul-de-sac. She is an older woman; four months older than my little tike. They are like an old married couple: a little bit of fun mingled with a little bit of bickering. I think they are so cute when they are playing together. 


Show and Tell

Jacob has Show and Tell every Friday at school. He usually just takes a toy (Bakugan, Webkinz, DSi, etc.) He really wanted to take something exciting and different. I told him I had it covered. After many trials and tribulations of getting him fed, dressed, and teeth brushed, I dropped carpool off at school. I quickly ran home and good ol' Marty had Jacob's show and tell ready to take back up to the school. Marty had put Sarah in her crate so we could show off the furry friend. Needless to say, Jacob was ALL smiles, and more than willing to tell all about his kitty cat. Here are the pictures of Jacob and Sarah's moment in the spotlight!


Thursday, December 9, 2010

Funny story

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ogden's Christmas Village

We have a tradition in the younger Asay family. We take the boys every Christmas season up to the Ogden Christmas Village. We enjoy walking around and looking at all the cute and beautiful displays. The boys love running in the snow and posing for pictures. This is only our second year, but I am sure there will be many more. Enjoy the pictures.

Letters To Santa

Dear Santa:

I have two adorable little boys. They are Jacob and Ben. I love them dearly most days. Other days not so much. They make me smile when they are sweet to each other and they don't know Mommy is watching. Other days, they are not so sweet and have battle wounds to prove their mischief.

Jacob is in the 1st Grade. He is a reading maniac and a math wizard. He loves to go to school most days; other days not so much. He is a good listener most days; others not so much. He will do his chores with a small amount of prodding/begging/pleading most days; other days not so much.

Benjamin just turned three years old. He is quite a gem EVERY day. Some days he sparkles like a diamond when he says the sweetest and cutest things. Other days he's a black onyx, getting into mischief, making a mess, and REFUSING to potty train. This last "little" thing is what drives poor Mommy crazy. He knows when He has to do his business. He even goes into the bathroom, closes/locks the door, does his thing (in his diaper), and then comes to tell me when he's done. I've resorted to shaming him into potty-training by only buys girlie diapers with cute purple hearts.

Santa, I know it sounds like I have lots of complaints about my boy. I admit that I do. But I gladly will take all the not-so-good with the good, because they are true blessings and miracles in my life. They are my gifts from a loving Father in Heaven. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Tired and Happy Mommy, Jenny Asay

P.S. Here are some pictures of the boys writing letters to Santa and putting them in the special Santa Claus mailbox at Macy's.

Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm "Tree" Year Old

You read it correctly. Ben is "tree" years old now. He celebrated his birthday yesterday. I am so lucky to be his mother. He is such a delightful boy. I love how he will say out of the blue "Mom, I love you too!" He'll give me a hundred kiss; that's when he kisses me several times in a row. He thinks it's funny. I do too.

I love that he is such a good brother. He cannot wait until Jacob comes home from school every day. In fact, he will ask ALL THE TIME "when Jakey home?" At 3:30 pm, he waits at the front window to watch for Jacob's carpool to bring him home. Guess where Ben wants to go everyday for lunch? Jacob's school. He ADORES his big brother. I love you Ben. Thank you for letting me be your mother.