Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm "Tree" Year Old

You read it correctly. Ben is "tree" years old now. He celebrated his birthday yesterday. I am so lucky to be his mother. He is such a delightful boy. I love how he will say out of the blue "Mom, I love you too!" He'll give me a hundred kiss; that's when he kisses me several times in a row. He thinks it's funny. I do too.

I love that he is such a good brother. He cannot wait until Jacob comes home from school every day. In fact, he will ask ALL THE TIME "when Jakey home?" At 3:30 pm, he waits at the front window to watch for Jacob's carpool to bring him home. Guess where Ben wants to go everyday for lunch? Jacob's school. He ADORES his big brother. I love you Ben. Thank you for letting me be your mother.

It's Autumn Time

The boys discovered the joy of raking leaves into a big pile and jumping into them. It was a fun way to get them to rake the leaves; it became a game to them. Now I see how to parent them. It's just a matter of turning chores into a fun time. See! They loved doing their chores. Ben even used his dump truck to haul some of the leaves. What fun children I have been blessed with. I sure do love and enjoy them. How did I get to be so lucky to be their mom?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Family Pictures

Alas here are the long awaited family pictures. They were taken at Jill's wedding, and my sisters have been bugging me for current family pictures. Take a gander. They were worth the wait.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Girl

One of my good girlfriends Sheri got me the most awesome mixing bowl. It is the most ginormous bowl I have ever seen. She brought it to me yesterday. It will be the perfect bowl for mixing caramel popcorn and other large loads of food.

Guess who else loves the bowl.

Guess who also likes to sit in Jacob's booster seat.

High Flying Adventures

Yesterday was Stephanie's 40th Birthday. Steph is Marty's first cousin. And guess what her parents did for her big day. They had everyone up to Ogden to the indoor sky-diving place. Sorry, I can't remember the name of it.

Marty took the boys. I was home nursing a sinus infection and bronchitis. Marty said they had a blast. Jacob was the first one to try after the tutorial class. And my boys (Marty included) were fearless. I was so proud. Here are some pictures. Sorry about the glare. Isn't Ben adorable in his little flight suit, helmet, and goggles? I love my boys. I love that Marty is such a wonderful dad. My boys sure are lucky.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat!

Yesterday was the official day of Halloween. Yesterday was also Sunday. Since we live in Utah, we celebrated Halloween on Saturday. The boys had fun trick-or-treating. I did not. It was cold and rainy. I froze. But I would do it all over again just to see the delightful smiles of my children.

Jacob actually did get too cold when there were about four houses left. I know he was freezing, because he asked me if we could skip the rest of the houses and just go home. Poor baby. Ben did not complain; maybe he was in a frozen stupor and didn't know better.

But we did survive the elements and fun was had by all. The pictures below were actually taken with the boys yesterday. They were too impatient on Saturday. Candy was calling their names!